Category Archives: SEO Company :: Win The Google+ Game To Improve SEO For Your Website

SEO Company :: Win The Google+ Game To Improve SEO For Your Website

SEO Company :: Win The Google+ Game To Improve SEO For Your Website


Do you have Google+ account for your business?

If not then make it ASAP as Google+  is the SEO juggernaut which dominates the search results and has the ability to make or break your website. It is worlds second largest social networking website which recently surpassed Twitter in January 2013. Now lets discuss how can you improve SEO of the website using Google+?

Create Google Authorship
It allows you to link your Google+ profile to every article you write, when anyone searches your name on search engine your article will appear with your name and picture enticing more and more viewers on your website and user can even click on ‘More’ button there, which allows them to view other content which Google has indexed, which gives you an image of industry expert. And as a perk, when your sited is linked with Google+, Google will value that connection and will mark your site as a trustworthy source and endowing your site a better rank as a result…………..Read More

bookmarking, google, google+, google+ profile, seo, seo services, Social Media